Hello, I'd like to welcome you to my brand new page, it's a pleasure to have you here.
This month has been an exciting one as my latest book Fiona: Book Two of The Cattleman's Daughters made its debut. I have truly been enjoying this writing adventure and hope that you will join me on it.
Let me tell you a little about myself and what, after many years, finally got me writing. I have been a story teller for as long as I can remember and have loved to entertain my friends and family with accounts of my childhood adventures or tales from my imagination. It seems to be a running trait in my family as some of my earliest memories were of my mother making up wonderful bedtime stories for all of us.
My oldest sister was also a writer but sadly her book was not published until after her death in July 2015. She had talked about writing and had worked at it part time for many years but never saw the work in completion. This made me question why we put off things that we love for so long always think tomorrow will be the day. I decided then and there to start writing and publishing my own work, warts and all.
This whole adventure could be seen as a way to keep my sister alive in my heart while exploring new and exciting things in this wonderous gift God has granted us called life. It has certainly been a learning experience and I want to say thank you to all of those, family, friends, and other authors, but mostly readers who have encouraged me along the way. There have been some bumps in the road but as I tell my students it's not about the mistake, it's about what we learn from that mistake.
As a teacher I don't just love teaching, I love learning and have often tried to inspire students toward a life long love of learning. This means there will be bad days and good. The point is that we don't give up and always do our best.
I am a resident of beautiful Osceola County Florida, which is a big change from growing up in Western Pennsylvania, but work aboad with my husband. Our son, our most precious blessing is now already in college. Where does the time go?
So, thanks again for being willing to join me in this adventure. I hope for all of you blessings this year.