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You Must Write a Biography.

Writer's picture: Danni Roan Danni Roan


Authors are often heard to grumble about writing their latest book blurb. How do you take a story you have poured your heart into and reduce it down to just a few small paragraphs while still capturing a reader's interest? Personally I don't mind writing the blurb, I find it a challenge or a puzzle to be solved.

On the other hand I do hate writing a Biographical piece on myself. First who wants to know about little old me and what in the world can I tell them that is interesting?

Despite my distaste for the chore I have been informed that every author must have a short bio because the wonderful readers out there want to know who is crazy enough to write a book .So this week I knuckled down, threw my leg over this bronc and wrote the Biography. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy getting to know each and every reader.

Danni Roan, born in rural western Pennsylvania, has always loved the country life. Her first work published under her real name, Paula Liddle-Beem, is a collection of folk essays about childhood in the lush, green mountains of PA. In Growing up American Danni recounts the adventures of a horse crazy country girl and her friends as the grew up in small town America.The youngest of four, born into a loving family Danni credit’s her love of books to her mother and father who both read and read regularly to their children. “If one of the kids was home, sick from school, Mom would always read to us.” Danni says, she also remembers her father reading to her and a lifelong friend from a story called “Scotty and the Horse that Wouldn’t Die.”

Danni and her brother Jonathan with Flame

Danni Graduated from Toccoa Falls College with a Bachlor’s in Missiology and later moved to the United Arab Emirates to teach English with her husband, whom she lovingly refers to as her everyday hero. Being a teacher of English and English as a Second Language for the past twelve years has only inspired Danni’s love of writing Western Historical Fiction.

After receiving her Masters of Education in Teaching English as a Foreign Language she determined to indulge her passion for fiction writing. Teaching essay writing and creating work for academic purposes can sometimes dull a creative spirit so writing fiction became and outlet for an active mind.

Growing up a horse addict she loved everything western from watching Gun Smoke in the evening with her father to reading every Louis L’Amour she could get her hands on. Danni’s writing incorporates a special place for the horse. This humble creature has built nations, fed families, and delighted both young and old and deserves our respect. Danni’s writing endeavors to the special creature who has always been her first love. Even her pen name is based on the color of a horse.

Danni and her sister Cleo

Teaching both in the USA and abroad has exposed Danni to a wide range of people from all walks of life and she tries to capture that unique character in her work. “People and everyday situations, words, or phrases inspire me.” Danni says. Almost anything can take her fancy and a book is born. “Every life is made up of a collection of stories.” Danni says. When not writing Danni enjoys, cooking, camping, hiking, movies and reading. She enjoys a wide range of genre’s but comes back again and again to historical romance. As a child she said that if the cover didn’t have a horse on it she didn’t read it.

Along with all the many blessings in her life, and she counts her husband and son as two of the most precious, Danni hopes that her books can bring a bit of joy, hope, and love to her readers. Her favorite quote is from that well-loved book Anne of Green Gables by. L.M. Montgomery. “Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet.” Speaks to the hope of a brighter tomorrow if only we will have faith.

Throughout Danni's books you'll see the heart of the horse. In her series The Cattleman's Daughter's even the horses are characters. Today she is sharing a few precious photo's of her equine friends.

" "Even the horses are likeable. " amazon review.


Danni has some friends coming to celebrate her Author Anniversary on October 21st. Find out more about them here:

Don't forget to drop on by the even page on October 4th to meet a special gal. Jackson will be there to say hello.

Meet Jackson D'Lynne:

Jackson D'Lynne is the pseudonym for a hardworking wife and mother of four, transplanted from California and now stuck in small town Pennsylvania. Always an avid reader, she's been devouring books since middle school. Nowadays, when she's not reading, she's writing time travel romance, paranormal romance, and whatever else the Muse commands. To see what Jackson is up to, and to read her popular blog, visit her website at: Jackson loves to chat with her readers, so please join her on Facebook:, and on Twitter: @JacksonDLynne.

Meet Josephine Blake who will be jumping on the band wagon October 5th to give you all a sweet howdy do.

Josephine is a sweet historical romance writer from Portland, OR. Her debut novel Dianna hit the shelves in August of 2016. Before publishing her own work, she worked as a freelance fiction and ghost writer for numerous clients. Josephine Blake is happily married, and freely admits that her husband is the inspiration for every bit of romance she ever writes. Josephine’s Website | Facebook | Pinterest | Amazon Author Page | Goodreads

Meet Kathryn Albright: Kathryn will be popping in to the event page on October 6th for a wink and a nod.

Don't miss her. Kathryn Albright writes sweet western historical romance published by Harlequin. Her award-winning stories celebrate courage and hope with a dash of adventure. She loves traveling and jigsaw puzzles, believing life as well as a good story share common ground with both. She lives with her family in the rural Midwest where she practices the elusive skill of gardening—zucchinis being her only claim to fame as of this writing. Kathryn’s Website | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Amazon Author Page | Goodreads

Meet Kit Morgan: Kit is planning on rounding up a bit of fun for us on October 8th. So drop by to see what she has to say.

A consistent Top 100 lists bestseller, Kit Morgan, aka Geralyn Beauchamp, has been writing for fun all of her life. When writing as Geralyn Beauchamp, her books are epic, adventurous, romantic fantasy at its best. When writing as Kit Morgan they are whimsical, fun, inspirational sweet and clean stories that depict a strong sense of family and community. 'His Prairie Princess' is the first of the Prairie Brides books and the first in the series of a long line of stories about Clear Creek, Oregon. One of the wackiest little towns in the old west! Get to know the townsfolk in Clear Creek and come sit a spell! If you like Kit Morgan's books then you might also like the Time Master Book series written under Geralyn Beauchamp and can be found here on amazon

Meet Carra Copelin:

Carra Copelin is an award winning and Amazon Bestselling Author in contemporary and historical romances. Unlike so many other authors, though, she didn't write from childhood or read long into the night beneath the covers with a flashlight. She found romance novels as an adult needing to escape from everyday stress. After reading a gazillion, she found she was hooked, and her future was clear. She had to try her hand at writing so she could get the voices out of her head. It did take awhile for life to settle down so she had time to pen her stories, but it finally happened. Carra first published in 2013 with a contemporary romantic suspense, Code of Honor, The Texas Code Series, Book one. In writing this book, she realized the theme of her stories was family, something she cares greatly about, and she began to wonder how the Benning family got its start in Texas. Her historicals, The Brides of Texas Code Series, initiates the stories of the McTiernans, Bennings, and O’Donnells, and their beginnings in 1873 Texas. The series will follow these families through the generations to present day. website/blog/facebook//twitter


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