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Start at the Beginning!

Writer's picture: Danni Roan Danni Roan


I am often asked when I started writing or how I got into writing western romance. I could answer by going back to when I was a kid and wrote down little stories at school, or a little later as a teenager sitting around the campfire telling how the cowgirl always got her man. I guess you could say I have always been a story teller. Years ago I even tried to write a couple of novels, sharing them with friends and family but always waiting until I was good enough, until I had everything just right, until someone would say yes this will do.

In our modern world with information at our finger tips, books, movies, and music on our phones, and an overload of personal choices it is much easier to publish a book, create an app, or write a blog.

So what made me take the plunge and actually publish that first book? What made me stop waiting for perfect? It was my oldest sister Cleo.

Cleo was the first author in our family. She'd been working on that perfect novel for nearly forty years. She was diligent, hardworking and funny, but the big publishing houses kept sending the stories back. That genre wasn't hot right now, or the heroine was too independent or whatever their reasons were.

Two years ago one of her books was finally accepted. Western romance was hot again. She was delighted and the fact that her first book was going to print lifted her spirits when she was diagnosed with Cancer.

My big beautiful sister went to be with the Lord before she saw her book in print. Talking books and horses were my biggest connection to Cleo. Since she was sixteen years older than me we found this to be solid common ground.

After her passing I asked one question. "What am I waiting for?" I decided I did not need anyone's approval to do something that made me happy. So I wrote Maggie's Valley and pushed that little button that made it go live. Writing that book opened the flood gates and I haven't been able to stop since.

I hope that answers the question of how I got started in writing. I'm terribly thankful to all of you who read my stories and let me know how much you enjoy them. It brings me joy and makes me think of how proud my sister would be. If you are interested in reading her book Buy a Cowboy is available through kindle and from the Pelican book group.

Follow me at Danni Roan all month for a great time!


Now meet some of my friends who will be joining us on October 21st to celebrate my Author Anniversary:

INTRODUCING Marie Piper: Marie will be stepping up to say hello to you on October 3rd so you can get to know her. Don't miss your chance. Stop by Authorversary on that day to see what she's up to.

Marie Piper lives in Chicago, but writes romance (mostly) set in the old west. She is the author of the Fires of Cricket Bend and Maidens & Monsters series. When she’s not getting lost in writing, she’s the homeschool Mom of a 5 year old boy, so she’s probably covered in glue and/or dirt!

I'm sure Marie is looking forward to getting all spiffied up for her time slot of 9:00 a.m at the party on October 21st.

INTRODUCING Kay P. Dawson: Kay will light-a-shuck and come on over to see ya'll on October the 13th so make sure you drop by the party page to meet her.

Kay P. Dawson writes sweet western romance, set in a time where cowboys rode the land and pioneers were setting off for better lives in new parts of the country. As the men and women struggled together to create better futures, love stories emerged that she brings to life through her books.

Kay is happily married with two girls who are just hitting the teenage years. She always wanted to be a writer, and after a breast cancer diagnosis at the age of 39, she decided it was time to go after her dream.

She spends her days writing from her home on the prairies in Canada, with her dogs Maggie and Mollie at her feet. And don't miss Kay's time slot on October 21st at 3:00. Boy howdy, she's got some fun stuff to give away. (Click the newsletter page for 2 free books, including Book 1 in the Wilder West Series for signing up!)

INTRODUCING Kristy McCaffrey: Kristy will be along on October 7th to delight us all, so sashay on over to the events page to say howdy.

As a child, Kristy McCaffrey frequently narrated to herself. It soon became apparent that she had an affinity for this writing thing. Raised on a steady diet of sci-fi/fantasy and tales of King Arthur, she transferred this love of mythic storytelling to penning western romances once she decided, at long last, to pay attention to her natural inclinations. Educated as an engineer, she swiftly gave that up to be a stay-at-home mom and aspiring author. She and her husband live in the Arizona desert, where their four children are in varying stages of flying the nest. Kristy believes life should be lived with curiosity, compassion, and gratitude, and one should never be far from the enthusiasm of a dog. She also likes sleeping-in, eating Mexican food, and doing yoga at home in her pajamas. Kristy will also be hosting the 12:00 p.m. time slot at the party on October 21st, she'll have prizes and more.

INTRODUCING DENISE WEIMER: Denise is a sweet southern-belle so tune up for a two-step withe her on October 14th at our special page

Denise Weimer holds a journalism degree with a minor in history from Asbury University. A former magazine writer, she is the author of romantic novella REDEEMING GRACE, The Georgia Gold Series historical fiction with a touch of mystery (SAUTEE SHADOWS, THE GRAY DIVIDE, THE CRIMSON BLOOM, and BRIGHT AS GOLD - winner of the 2015 John Esten Cooke Award for outstanding Southern literature) and The Restoration Trilogy (WHITE, WIDOW and WITCH), modern romantic suspense with historical back stories. Denise is a wife and swim mom of two daughters who always pauses for old houses, coffee and chocolate!


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