They say the one constant in life is change and my life has been full of exactly that lately. To be honest, I don't know where to start so I'll start at the end. My every-day-hero and I have moved into a camper. If you've seen my other blog posts you know that in the past year my life has changed drastically in many ways.
I moved from living and working over seas in the United Arab Emirates to living in our Florida home and teaching at my beloved former position at a high school in that area.
Last August I returned to the States to work and get settled in while my every-day-hero stayed in UAE to finish his contract before returning home in December to settle back in to life State-side. It was hard being apart for so long but we managed it and were happy to be together and enjoying our homeland.
Along with being an author I'm a high school English teacher and this year was super busy at school especially since we started the year at 5% over capacity for students and after the hurricane it increased even more. On top of that I seemed to be sick almost constantly after January.
So how did this all lead to us living in a camper?
For the past few years the hero and I have been researching campers with the idea that we would buy one when we came home for good and spend our summers and holidays traveling this great nation. Since both of us teach we thought that those extra days would be the perfect time to travel.
But as I mentioned earlier one constant in life is change.
In January 2018 we ordered our camper and were scheduled to pick it up in April, I even took a couple of days off to travel out and get the camper.
That very week on the day we left to pick up the trailer my school called a special meeting announcing how many departments were over staffed for the 2018-2019 school year since a new school was opening and many of our extra students were rezoned for that school.
When I was hired to take my old position back at my high school two other teachers were also hired shortly after me. I worked with these two enthusiastic and dedicated teachers all year and am pleased to call them friend. Both of my colleagues have young families and when I heard that someone would have to leave I thought it needed to be me. I had already be offered my new contract for the next school year and knew that usually the last hired were the fist to be let go.
My hero and I are at an age where we have no children at home as our son is working and studying in another city, the hero hadn't taken on a full time job yet and more and more I was itching to have time to write so we decided that I would resign and insure that my two younger teachers would not have to move. It all just came together and though unexpected at this time was welcome.

So, this is what we did. We sold our house (that is a story in itself), put the few items we are keeping in storage at my mother-in-law's and moved into the camper. We've even been full time for a whole three days.
What's next you might ask. Next, we are going to spend a year or maybe more touring the USA and seeing all of God's amazing beauty. I'm going to dedicate myself to writing on a full time basis and pray it will keep us fed.
I hope that you will all stay with us on this journey. I'll try to keep you up to date on where we are, what we're doing, and all of my new books. perhaps you can help us out by continuing to buy, share and review my books. We're thrilled to have you with us as we're rollin' and writing.
One last notice: Join me and my fellow Whispers in Wyoming authors for a rip-roarin' time on July 3rd to celebrate Independence Day.

Hey Whispers in Wyoming Friends, are you ready for a par-tay? You're all invited to stop by for an Independence Day Blast! On July 3rd, around 2pm-ish EST time, our authors will begin taking turns popping in to share some fun with you! There will be a Treasure Hunt, games, and giveaways through July 4th. Did we mention GIVEAWAYS and FREE and/or maybe some discounted books? Stop by and join in on the fun! We'll leave the games and treasure hunt and giveaways open through the 4th so you can stop by at your convenience. Hope to see you there!