It is always difficult to sit down and write a blog. There is so much going on and so many things that always need doing but I love being able to share more about my travels, or in this
In 2018, when we first started the #rollingandwriting life, our major goal was to get to Yellowstone. We spent nine amazing days here in the park and loved all that we saw. Unfortunately, nine days only scratched the surface of this massive National Park.

We made the point to get to each of the four major quadrants of the park but knew that one day we would want to return. #rollingandwriting is an amazing lifestyle but it is not always easy, and even with mostly boondocking there are the usual expenses of everyday life. With this in mind, the every-day-hero applied for a job in Yellowstone for the summer. We were scheduled to be here in April but COVID 19 made a mess of the timeline. We are, however, grateful that we still got to come in July and work, earning a little extra and allowing me to focus on my writing.
It has been an interesting and enlightening experience living and working in Yellowstone. e have already seen so much that we missed the first time. Since the hero is working at the Lake Hotel we have been exploring this area more extensively. There is so much to see all the time.
Living in Yellowstone has also been a learning experience for #rvlivingfulltime #rvling #rvlife . With the nearest big town two hours away, learning to buy, store, and organize food/provisions has been different. So far we have been able to purchase food for up to three weeks at a time and get it all into the fridge and pantry. Sometimes, stocking the RV refrigerator is like playing Jenga but it works. For the past year, the every-day-hero and I have been living the keto lifestyle and enjoying the health benefits of that so our selection of root vegetables has changed a bit. Radishes, turnips, and parsnips are now a basic staple.
Along with all of these changes, we have been doing a load of hiking when we can. I'm afraid my faithful hiking shoes may be wearing thin with the miles they have trod. I am seriously thinking I will buy a new set of the same shoes soon.
This leads me to my next point, be prepared for where you are going. It is somewhat shocking to see and hear people who do not seem to understand they are entering wild country. From, way too close encounters, with wild animals, to lack of cell service and modern amenities, Yellowstone is truly wild. Not only is Yellowstone larger than several states, but it is also wide open and truly wild. Although modern roads carry you through the park the wide-open spaces are barely managed. All too often we hear of a bear or bison encounter that ends in injury to the person and often destruction of the animal due to ignorance of where we are. Yellowstone is situated at elevations ranging from 6,000 feet to over 8,000 feet above sea level. This elevation and climate create other challenges for those visiting as well and need to be considered. One, always have plenty of water. I carry a camelback when hiking and usually go through most of my 2 liters of water carried in the pack.

Along with a supply of water we carry first aid equipment, emergency camping gear, and fire-starting supplies and of course bear spray. We don't leave home without it. We also purchased a water filtration straw that allows you to pull water from a stream in an emergency. Having witnessed first hand, the ravages of elevation sickness in Bryce Canyon we are extra careful. We were thankful that on that day we had enough water to offer the person suffering from this serious issue because we were prepared. It is vital when entering a National Park or wild area to be prepared. There is virtually no cell service here in the park and calling 911 is generally not an option. Do your homework and come prepared so that you will have the best time possible and not have to worry about dehydration. For me, even now, I struggle to stay well hydrated each day. On top of the usual limitations to a vast National Park like Yellowstone, this year COVID 19 restrictions have made it even harder. The general stores, though well-stocked, are limited and food is take out only from any of the resorts.
Although I am mentioning some of the serious considerations of being someplace like Yellowstone, it has also been inspirational in so many ways. The quiet days when the every-day-hero is at work have allowed me to write and create on a daily basis. I love looking back on this summer's work and am already getting started on books for the fall. Being an Indie Author is exciting but it is very hard work. The average Individually Published author does not bring in the big bucks so has to produce a large number of books to keep up with sales algorithms. Having a space like this to work has been amazing. I have set a goal to get ahead in my writing to give more time to edit, update, format, and publish.
In June brought Hester's Hope Red Truck Rendezvous brought a touch of Christmas in July.
A Seeking Heart is August's sweetheart and Remembering Rainy is on pre-order now!
September will see our next Needful Bride arriving in Texas and October is ready for a new Book Club revival.
As with any lifestyle, balance is important. Although it seems like we are always adventuring in our #rollingandwriting life it is not uncommon for me to work twelve-hour days. Then there are the usual chores to be done each day. Although my home is small, it requires regular cleaning, there is laundry, cooking, and organizing to be done as well. Here are a few tips for keeping the rig clean and dealing with the everyday chores around home.
Save jars that you have from your groceries. When cooking you don't want to just dump everything down the drain of your RV. Oil, grease, and meat juices can cause clogs. When cooking something greasy pour the grease or drippings into a saved jar to be thrown out later.
Save ziplock bags. In a small space, smells can be an issue. Simply tossing onion peels, vegetable rinds, or meat packages in the trash can quickly get smelly. Save your 'non-smelly' ziplocks to put these items in before tossing in the trash can. When you're out in the wilds without access to garbage disposal, simple things like this keep the rig fresh longer. for
Sweep or vacuum often. Hiking means dirt, dust, and small stones are always being tracked in. To help keep your floor in good shape and prevent little rocks from getting under a slide (if you have one) sweep and vacuum often. I still love my other 'hero' a handheld battery-powered vacuum.
Dust regularly: When you are in nature dust is an issue. Since we primarily boondock we seldom run our A/C which means our windows are open. In a small space, dust becomes a big issue fast. Create zones in your RV and dust a different one each day. This will keep woodwork conditioned against the elements as well help to keep dust and irritants to a minimum.
Perform frequent checks: There is always maintenance to be done on an RV. Check for leaks, bumps, scratches, wear & tear, and rodent damage weekly. Yes, rodents think your rig would be a nice place to live as well. There are many recommendations for how to deter the critters from crawling into your living space but they all have very mixed results. We recently purchased a very specialized mouse disposal unit because we had a terrible time keeping rodents out of the rig on the high plains. Although, this might seem, quite literally overkill, damage to wires and other essential items that make your rig work can add up to a huge repair bill.
Everyone has a different way to roll and a variety of things that work for them. I hope these few tips might help you discover new ideas that will help you in your travels or just entertain you as you watch us roll. #danniroan
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