{Joshua 1:9} “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; Do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” 5. {Ephesians 2:19-22} “Whenever you feel unloved, unimportant, or insecure, remember to whom you belong.”

Some days it is easy to become overwhelmed and discouraged in the everyday trials of life. This is true for any author as well. We have good days and we have bad days. As an Indie published author you are wholly responsible for your work, marketing, editing, covers, and so much more. There is a lot of information out there on how to get this all done and loads of 'help' that at times completely swamps you. If you make a mistake, you only have yourself to blame and that can really bring you down.
On top of the work, and it is work, there is always something new happening. I love learning and enjoy the challenge of trying new things but every now and then you feel like 'enough is enough'. You just master one thing and it gets changed. Writing is an ever changing game. Not only do trends change, and genre's fluctuate, but as seasons, holidays, and events take place what readers are looking for changes too. Sometimes the ups and downs are enough to make your head spin.

Writing comes down to balance and it's a razors edge we walk from day to day. You have to balance what you want to write with what readers want to read. You teeter on the edge of 'is it all worth it' especially on those days that you look at the pay check and ask yourself it you should just give it all up. You also have to find a way to ride the waves of reviews which are a huge thing in the indie business. One day you'll be elated to see that you've received a five star review written in glowing terms; the next your reading a one star review and you wonder if the person even read the book. On top of this you have the balance of budget, do you spend he extra $$$ on a fantastic cover paying it out of your savings, or do you hold fast and get the cover you can afford then hope for the best?
There is so much to this 'authory' life that goes on behind the scenes but is it worth it? I guess that depends on how you determine worth. Can you make a living as an indie author? Yes, but you will have to ride out the down times and keep learning at every turn. The joy of sharing not only your stories but a piece of your heart with every book you publish is a reward far above the usual accolades. Does this mean you don't shoot for the stars? "NOOOO! You desperately want the #1 Best Seller, the five figure income, and the recognition of your peers of having made it."
Still underneath all of it is a thread that we can't ignore, the gift we are giving to others. As a Christian

Author it is my hope that my books might touch others in some way, even if all it does is bring a smile to their face. I want my books to be enjoyed, to delight, to provoke thought, and even action. This is where the real reward is. If even one person tells me that they laughed, cried, gasped, or pondered any part of my work then I have succeeded. The goal is to give joy and to find it in what you do.
So whatever your passion don't give up, keep on going. You don't know what is just around the next corner. As a teacher I always told my students that it was alright to make mistakes because they were learning. If you learn something from your experience then you have gained something invaluable that can never be taken away from you. Keep working, keep learning, keep going.