With everything going on over the past few months I skipped my May blog. Between being stationary and trying to get caught up on writing, that is my livelihood, after all, I couldn't get the blog done. Of course, the good news is that we are On The Road Again! Hitting the road with some states still closed down, social distancing, and limited access to resources has been interesting, but not bad. Although some places are closed there are still so many things to see and do in this Great Nations. If you take the time to look you can find exactly what you need.

When we first rolled out of Pennsylvania we knew that we wanted to hit some of the states that we have missed before, prime among the South Dakota. Oddly enough both the every-day-hero and I had both been there when we were younger so we knew we wanted to do something different this time. Our big push was to visit the Badlands.
After spending a week and a half in Iowa, a state that never shut down but simply asked people to use best practices, we rolled toward South Dakota and Sioux Falls where we celebrated our 29th Wedding Anniversary with a steak dinner. We also took the time to get a 'real' RV Park spot and get caught up on laundry. It is always a special treat to stay in a resort, but truly we prefer wild spaces. There is just so much to see when you aren't stacked side by side with others.
Another nice stop for us on the journey so far was the Cabella's in Rapid City. Many Cabella's and even Bass Pro shops have specific parking areas for RVers and often have other amenities for those who shop with them. This particular spot had both water and a dump station for our use for a fee, or with a purchase. Some of these stores also have dog kennels, and horse corrals for your weary animal travelers. Of course, there is another
benefit of staying at Cabella's shopping! This time the every-day-hero found some great deals, including these new sandals. With the weather finally warming these are a must. It's truly great to be able to stop somewhere and get a variety of items that work well with the RV Life.
We are now in Wyoming and thrilled to be here, though a little disappointed as well. Originally, we started in this direction because the hero had a job in Yellowstone from May through October. Unfortunately, because of the lockdowns and other restrains the job fell through and we will not be heading to Yellowstone for the rest of the summer. We had really

hoped to have the time in the National Park to explore more than we did on our first summer on the road, but it was not meant to be. Our next stop is one I am also very excited about though. We are heading for Casper Wyoming. The first time we cut through Wyoming to get to the Park we didn't stop in Casper due to time constraints, but this time we plan on staying in the area for a few days. Those of you who read my books know that about half of my writing is set in the amazing state of Wyoming, a place I find both inspiring and fascinating. There is so much to see in this place. Today we are parked next to a very large lake in a county park. I truly love seeing the amazing areas and how they spark ideas in my author's brain.

I think we can all agree that this has been a very trying time in our lives and yet we are getting on with living. Everything made me think about our lifestyle and some of the questions I get about it. People have often asked me how we do this crazy thing and in reality, we just live. I still work, often sixty or seventy hours a week, I cook dinner, make snacks, watch the youtube channels we like and just live my life, the difference is my back yard changes all the time. At the moment I am pushing super hard to write loads and get caught up on books. To keep rolling I have to keep selling my books, just like anyone else who has a job or small business. In may I finished a book I've been working on for a while and have three more books coming out soon. Here's what I've been up to.

I love keeping up with your adventures.