Balance, we are all seeking it. All too easily life can get out of wack and soon we find ourselves playing catch up with every aspect of our world. This doesn't change just because you move out of a house and become a gypsy. So what does change? Perspective. Perspective is everything when it comes to balance. Living and working in an RV has its benefits and its drawbacks. There is definitely less housework but there are more steps in doing things like laundry and of course maintenance. Add to this that now footloose and fancy-free there is no one to set deadlines, assignments, or chores but the one doing them. In some ways this is very liberating but in others it makes it harder. I for one am not good at leaving things undone. My former colleagues have often been astounded that I would make a list and just keep working until everything on the list was complete. Now even making the list needs to go on the list. How do you juggle writing time, sightseeing, family chats, Facebook time, more writing, cover orders, marketing, blogs, and so much more? You find balance.

It has been interesting seeing how our new lifestyle works. To begin with every time we go somewhere new we have to decided what we want to do and see. There are always so many things that you can do in a new city, National Forest, or National Park but what fits you is what you'll do. We enjoy hiking and looking at nature but are not big on tourist attractions. Still, one reason for living this lifestyle is to have new experiences so some days we set aside the day to do just that. This week it was visiting the true wild west town of Tombstone. Most of us have heard of Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday and the gunfight at the OK Corral. We've seen it again and again in remakes of the movie and thrilled at the action-packed events and deadly confrontation. In Tombstone, you can watch a reenactment of the events with men dressed for the part. We did not opt for this experience though. [Click and drag to move] Instead we took the stagecoach ride. It's a twenty-minute ride around the town listening to our guide tell us about events and landmarks as we rolled. This was an experience. On top of having the ride, it was fun just chatting with someone who is as crazy about the town's history and horses as I am. For the trip to Tombstone, I took the entire day off as an author and didn't do any work. This means that today I'm catching up. I even pushed the button on my thirty-second book which just went live far earlier than expected.
So Balance. Balance means giving myself a break sometimes. It means looking at priorities and pushing through to see that things are completed. It means keeping up with all of the aspects of writing that are needed to publish. It also means doing my homework, research, and making my list. There is always something to do. It's not like you just write a book and it gets published. Oddly enough this week I've been asked about the publishing process several times. Here is what I always say. Go for it! Take your time, do your homework, research the best fit for you and try. It is better to try and make mistakes but learn than to always wonder if. So get out there today and do something that you love. Something that you are passionate about. Don't be afraid. Will you make mistakes? Yes. Will you struggle to find your balance? Probably. Will you regret it? I don't know. All I can say is I know I don't.
